A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Christian Reformed Churches of Australia


A Church Reforming to Reach the Lost for Christ

Healthy churches are growing churches. The CRCA is committed to assist churches so that local initiatives are leveraged for gospel and kingdom growth.

CRCA Ministry Formation will assist churches in their respective state to maximise church health in areas such as: the marks of the true church as identified in the Belgic Confession; CRCA...

Healthy churches are growing churches. The CRCA is committed to assist churches so that local initiatives are leveraged for gospel and kingdom growth.

CRCA Ministry Formation will assist churches in their respective state to maximise church health in areas such as: the marks of the true church as identified in the Belgic Confession; CRCA Church Order distinctives: worship, faith nurture, pastoral care and oversight, and missions; the eight characteristics of a healthy church as identified by NCD; and other church health issues raised by individual congregations. Contact: Clinton Berends e.clinton@crca.org.au m. 0424 477 487. Is your Church healthy? What are the signs of a healthy church? Do you need a church health check up?

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Series in this category:

Ministry Formation, Local Church Outreach

Post Ordination Training

My project 2

At the CRCA Synod earlier this year approval was given to begin a formal Post Ordination Training program in our churches. This program is aimed at providing additional support and training for those beginning as ordained pastors in the CRCA. The introduction of this program follows a research project conducted with pastors serving in their first church, and those churches. This research identified that while newly ordained pastors were well grounded in the theological education and many had engaged in purposeful ongoing training, support and mentoring, this approach was often unstructured and with mixed results.  It became clear that there are...

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Transition to the New MDC


"The time has come for my departure!"   These words, a quote from 2 Timothy 4:6, were read in the recent gathering of the TRAIN Workgroup.  While these words of the apostle Paul were referencing his approaching death, these same words were referenced at this meeting to reflect on the fact that the time has come for my departure from my role in the CRCA as the MDC (Ministry Development Coordinator).    After more than 25 years of pastoral ministry in Canada with the CRCNA (Christian Reformed Churches in North America), on New Year's Eve 2007, we arrived down under to begin...

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A Pure Heart

finding leaders sm

What is a leader? What do you look for in a leader?  What is the one thing that drives good leadership – in a family, in a job, in a church, in the world?  What qualities do you like to see in a leader?  Perhaps you look for someone who is successful, who has been really good in business, has made lots of money. You might look for someone from noble birth – someone who has royal blood flowing through his veins. Could it be that you look for someone who is popular, who people want hang out with? Someone good looking,...

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Leverage Networks

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The music of Simon & Garfunkel hit the airwaves in my formative years.  How often I heard these words:  "I am alone.... I am a rock, I am an island. I have no need of friendship - friendship causes pain."  The lyrics of this song seem to suggest that being alone is a good thing.  How different the words of Scripture:  "It is not good for the man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18)   God did not create us to be an island to ourselves.   Elsewhere we read:  "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one...

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Building Trust

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Building Trust

We have been looking at the importance of influence.  I am been making the point that to be truly effective as a leader in a church – in good times and in challenging times – leaders must master the ability to influence others. Influence begins with practicing Ministry IQ - getting to know the people you are serving and for these people to get to know you. In addition, a leader also needs to promote vision.   Now I want to address the matter of building and maintaining trust. Building and maintaining trust is essential for leading.  John C. Maxwell maintains that...

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Promote Vision

Vision sm

In my previous article we began looking at the importance of influence.  The point was made that to be truly effective as a leader in a church – in good times and in challenging times – leaders must master the ability to influence others.   Where does influence begin?   It begins with practicing Ministry IQ - getting to know the people you are serving and for these people to get to know you.  As a leader you will need to be quick to listen and slow to speak.  But there is more to influencing others.   You also need to promote vision. Effective leadership...

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On Influence

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Bulls do not belong in a china shop!  Can you just imagine the disaster and damage that would occur?  I love looking for unusual gifts in stores.  When I shop I often wear a backpack.  I am so cautious knowing that a quick turn here or there could topple some items off the shelves.  A bull left alone in a china shop is a whole different story.  If you want to be a good leader in your church then you must not be like a bull in a china shop. You might wonder, what does leadership have to do with being...

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Defer Judgement

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When it comes to making decisions, are you impulsive or are you cautious?   As a person?   As a leader?   Recently I texted a church leader and followed up with a phone call.  I was asking him to make a leadership decision.  This is what leaders are often called to do.  People expect leaders to make decisions, often on the spot.  But this church leader, after hearing my request, deferred judgement.  He told me he wanted to discuss my request with a number of other people before he and his church would make a decision.   This church leader demonstrated good leadership tact. ...

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Ministry Formation 2022


At Synod 2022 that just met in Launceston (TAS), 1-6 May 2022, I gave my final report to Synod in my current role as Ministry Development Coach.   I have been serving the CRCA in this role since 2007 as part of Ministry Formation.   In my final report I not only summarized what Christ has been doing in and through the churches over the past decade and a half.  I also looked forward and suggested three things that as churches we ought to hope for.   Here are the three things I shared at this gathering. As we look ahead into the next...

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Confidential sm

Church leaders receive a lot of inside information.  Having been in ordained ministry for almost forty years, I could tell you story after story about the personal lives of people.  People have allowed me as a pastor into their homes, into their lives, and into their personal spaces.  But would I share these stories?   Absolutely not.   We having been looking at eight often-overlooked characteristics that effective church leaders share.1  In this article we will consider how effective leaders deal with confidentiality.  I once read that anyone fit for leadership will handle inside information as if he or she were driving a...

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Confront sm

Nobody likes conflict.  And people deal with conflict in many different ways.  Some people avoid conflict at all costs.  Others respond with unbridled anger or hurtful words or actions.   Too many people bottle up their feelings and any feelings of hurt or anger are turned inwards.  Then there are those who deal with conflict by lovingly confronting those who they are in conflict with.   These people attempt to deal with conflict in a way that builds up rather than tears down.   For church leaders to lead with integrity, they must be willing to confront in times of conflict.    We having...

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In the church, getting things done always takes longer than you think. Change takes time. This is because change comes so hard for so many. Change is difficult for various reasons. People are often more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions. With any change comes a degree of uncertainty, and people become insecure in the face of the unknown. Old routines are disrupted. Learning new habits for some is difficult. Generally, people like to keep things the way they are. Or were. People find it hard to let some traditions cease. So, people settle for the status quo and...

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Owning Up

Owning Up

We all make mistakes.   The Bible is clear about this.   In Romans we are told, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)   Earlier in this chapter, quoting various passages from the book of Psalms, the apostle Paul reminds his reader that "there is no one who does good, not even one." (Romans 3:12)  This is true of every person.  This is also true of every church leader.  In this current series of articles we have been looking at eight often-overlooked characteristics that effective church leaders share.1  Today we will consider how effective church leaders are...

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Can-Do Attitude

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I just finished a project with a 12 year old boy.   Since he does not have a father in his life, when this young man was just 5 I began hanging out with him fortnightly to be a father figure and teach him some woodworking skills.  This went on for quite a while until he moved away 2 hours north.  But a couple of years ago we reconnected, and at least once a month, he and his mum come down to our home on a weekend, and I spend a day working on various projects.   The latest was building two remote...

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Forward Looking

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Many people live in the past.  Including leaders.  They dwell on past failures, what happened to them, or what could have happened.  Their outlook in life is based on what they see in their rear view mirror. One of my favourite authors, Donald Miller, in his recent book, Hero on a Mission, shares the plan that led him to turn his life around.   A key component of his plan is viewing what you are doing today from the perspective of the end of your life.  He encourages people to write their own eulogy.   This eulogy will include things such as the...

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Your Mission

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What is your purpose in life?  Do you ever think about that?  What on earth are you here for?  These questions are important for a life without purpose is a life without meaning.  Without purpose means a lack of goals.  You are on a journey without direction.  It is no wonder that Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life sold more than 30 million copies.  People are searching for purpose in life. What is true for individuals is also true for churches.  Churches need to know their purpose.   What on earth are churches here for?  Without a clear sense of purpose, a...

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Your Vision

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Do you see clearly?  If you don't you are not alone.  Over 75% of adults use some form of vision correction.   Most of these people wear glasses while the rest use contacts.   Otherwise they would not see clearly.  As one who needs glasses to read fine print I know what it is like to not see clearly.  Without my glasses the words on a page easily become a blur. At times it might be an advantage to not wear glasses if you need them.  You don't see the dust on the furniture or the crumbs on the floor.  Imperfections around you...

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Voices sm

There are many voices in our world today.   Perhaps never before in the history of the world have there been so many voices.  Everyday we are bombarded by a myriad of voices - on the radio and television, through social media and advertising, and the many people who speak into our lives.  Family, friends, school-mates, neighbours.   The issue with all these voices is that the messages we hear are not at all similar.  Voices tug at our minds and hearts and pull them into all sorts of directions.  We have seen this vividly lived out through the COVID pandemic.  For more...

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Community Analysis

NCLS Community Analysis

What five words would you use to describe the town or city where your church is located?   Who lives in your community?   And who lives where?  What is the social makeup of the people within a 2-5 km radius of your church? We have been discussing what strategic planning or setting direction looks like in the church.  How do you bridge the gap between the church you are today and what God wants your church to become?1  You might think that strategic planning in the church is something you do on your knees.   Through prayer, Bible study, and reflection you begin...

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Your Flavour

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There are hundreds of icecream flavours.   Visit any icecream shop and you have a whole raft of choices.   Will it be a scoop of Blue Heaven or Cookies & Cream?  Or would you go for a couple of scoops of Hokey Pokey?  It is hard to find here in Australia, but in Canadian my flavour of choice was Heavenly Hash.  Perhaps it was just the name. What is the flavour of your church?  We have been discussing what strategic planning or setting direction looks like in the church.  How do you bridge the gap between the church you are today and...

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